CQ Originals by BoxPlay.io

‘CQ Originals’ is an edutainment series of digital e-learning experiences. Targeted both B2B and B2C, these courses aim at improving soft skills, such as Active Listening, Critical Thinking and Negotiation. The end goal is, again, democratising employability tools for those without a business school education. Each course is designed to be real-life simulations in the corporate world, including videos, quizzes, theory and practical tips on the go.

Course Creative Direction: Elizabeth Zucchi, Clare Munn, Ben Barbier.
Marketing Creative Direction: Ben Barbier.
Art Direction: Ben Barbier, Jesper Tielbeke.
Graphic Design: Dania Layla Kawar.

Active Listening Course

This first online course focuses on listening and speaking profiles within any given group of people. How to navigate one’s communication style for a better understanding and collaboration.

Critical Thinking Course

This online course aims at analysing profiles of ‘thinkers’ in the workplace. How do different people process information, priorities, plans and problems. ‘Critical Thinking’ is about learning the most efficient way to problem solve in multi-stakeholder environments.

Negotiation Course

This online course aims at analysing profiles of negotiators and how to navigate them to get what you want.

Data Analytics Course

This course aims at improving Data literacy to non Data professionals and startups.